Study Fashion With The Best Fashion Design Schools

Study Fashion With The Best Fashion Design Schools

Thursday 27 October 2011

Fashion Designer New York

Fashion designer New York for real? How easy is that, you ask. What does it take to be a fashion designer in new york? What should you have or do to become a worthy competitor in the fashion industry in New York? How well prepared do you need to be? New York is one crowded place where the fashion industry is concerned. Great wit and preparations are a must have if this is your target market and business location.

Fashion designing sounds like the coolest dream job to most people. It sounds easy. In reality though, it is one of the hardest and toughest professions to get into. However, this should not discourage you. Instead, it should motivate you even more to shine above the rest. That's where good training comes in. Training for this profession should come from a good and reputable institution. Remember, fashion is mainly about good preparation and perfect results. Research a little about the best fashion schools and colleges near you and get some training. Please note that this will take you some years. It is all well worth the wait.

On top of the formal training on fashion design, you also need to learn a bit about drawing and sketching, sewing, as well as fashion trends. There are some basic steps you can take to be a good fashion designer. These include identifying the fashion category you would love to specialize in, knowing your future competitors, learning what they do including their fashion categories, getting yourself a mannequin for pinning your fabric on and draping when making designs, and making clothes for other people. This helps you learn to easily gauge measurements and fittings.

You will also need to learn how to sell fashion. This will help you make good decisions when planning your marketing. Are people buying offline or online? What are the major department stores selling your fashion category? What is your target customer base? Answering these questions will give you focus and an edge in the market.

Consider getting some internship at a design house in New York City. This gives you a sneak peek in to the operations of other fashion design companies. You will be improving your skills  in a real company-client environment. This also goes in to your resume and portfolio. Remember you will need to create this when you graduate.

Should you decide to go with some bit of employment before going solo, there are some warnings you need. Expect to receive some low pay when you are a beginner. Also expect long working hours and tight deadlines as well as huge competition. However, take these positively. Remember you are just starting out. It's easier to start with hard work and low pay and end up with huge incomes and lesser effort in the future. Make sure to learn as much as you can and do your very best for your employer.

All said, you need to embrace all aspects of the fashion industry, including the social media, where you will easily learn the newest and hot trends in the market. Then simply align yourself with these new developments. Remember that what counts as a fashion designer new york, is your ability to deliver unique, awesome, different and comfortable mind blowing fashion designs.

1 comment:

  1. New York is one crowded place where the fashion industry is concerned. Great wit and preparations are a must have if this is your target market and business location. best schools for fashion design


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